Software for Growth Culture

So many organizations desire to have an agile culture, but end up struggling with the execution of a “growth mindset” across the entire organization. Our unique software makes us different because IT IS the "DevOps pipeline" for a growth mindset culture. Our software actually sets the stage for growth and development, simply by it’s collaborative nature. Growth Culture is possible in any business or industry whose climate is set up for success. Our software will help you with that.

What is the growth mindset culture?

“In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.” — Dr. Carol S. Dweck, Author and Psychology Professor at Stanford University


What happens when we are transparent? Oftentimes, when people are working in teams, there will be a disagreement or contradiction of ideas. When this happens, it signals the fear center of our brain. The contradiction is not wrong, so we need to be self-aware. This software is designed to relieve the fear of transparency, by offering opportunities for expression without judgement.

360 Feedback

Our feedback cycle should match the way that we work. Many agile organizations are set up to function on a two-week timebox. Because of its ability to identify issues quickly, track action items and facilitate conversations, our feedback cycle enables teams to quickly make adjustments when something is or isn’t working, making, this software a "DevOps pipeline" for a Growth Mindset culture.

Growth Metrics

Our assessment software is lightweight and fully automated. We achieved this with an assessment scorecard which is based on three attributes: the ability of a team to embrace the agile mindset, a team retrospective, and a net promoter score which is fully capable of providing growth metrics that are pertinent to your organization.

Agile Maturity Assessments

Why consider Agile maturity?

By considering Agile maturity, organizations can refine and improve their ability to use the Agile process for delivering value. We have designed assessments for teams based on the Agile manifesto and Team Topologies from Matthew Skelton and Manuel Pais. We also have assessments for product and organization alignment to the Agile manifesto.

Assessments are designed to be taken within 30min. (12 questions)

Team based assessments based on Team Topologies.

Organization and product development assessments.

Assessments aligned to the Agile manifesto.


Why should we do retrospectives?

A good retrospective will help teams identify areas of improvement by reflecting on what went well in the Sprint, as well as considering what could be improved, and what resources can be committed to improve the next Sprint. Our fully featured retrospective boards allow you to capture action items, kudos, like cards and more.

Our retro board columns can be configured using the prebuilt retro templates, or you can create your own template.

Net Promoter Scores

Why use Net Promoter Scores?

Net Promoter Score (NPS) allows us to rapidly capture individual feedback by asking a question that is then scored on a scale of 1 to 10. We use NPS to capture a team member’s belief that they are able to deliver committed value. We also use NPS to capture the product management’s belief that what is being implemented meets the customers’ desires. Finally, we use NPS to capture the business owner’s belief that they effectively communicated the vision and provided ample support to the organization.

We often use NPS for customers, but this same metric is also relevant to the internal organization. NPS is valuable because it connects customers' behaviors to economic value. In addition, we also want to connect employee behavior to economic value, which is why we use it as part of the awesome scorecard. Using the following ratings we are able to make educated decisions to positively impact our clients and their business. For example, a score of 9 to 10 are the promoters, a score of 7 or 8 are passives, and a score of 0 to 6 are detractors. Weaknesses are easily identified and changes can be made.

Open Communication

Open communication is the key to any industry's success. Agile assessments, retrospectives and NPS gives organizations opportunities for communication. Our software facilitates communication by using our feedback loop to create information and promote valuable conversation amongst the team members. By using this automation and data, team members are able to collaborate all in one place allowing for transparency and immediate results.

Visualize Growth

Real time dashboards using our one-of-a-kind Awesome Scorecard enables organizations to laser focus on areas of growth.

Celebrate Growth

Our software enables gamification of organization growth. There is no better feedback than that in real time. The real time data driving the Awesome Scorecard can also be used to celebrate short wins, which leads to higher employee morale, and encourages further teamwork in product completion.

How It Works

Our software is designed to be fully automated, with new features unlocking as teams become familiar with the software.


Create your account

To start tracking, you simply create your account. All you need is the provided access code to join an organization


Select your tribe

Everyone belongs to at least one tribe.Once you have created an account, you will need to select your tribe. Every tribe and individual will have a scorecard to visualize their contributions enabling them to embrace a growth mindset.



Check out your dashboard for assessments, retrospectives, or provide an NPS vote. Participation increases your score and unlocks new features, so be sure to add value as often as possible.

Schedule a demo

The first step is to set up a demo. We have a 60-day trial period. Following the trial period our pricing starts at $10 per user.

© 2024 Lean Agile 24 LLC, Incorporated and Operating from USA